Avenue Georges-Henri 519, 1200 Bruxelles
Business Number BE0866 606 512
Drives supplied by the customer, and any documents or information of any kind resulting from their treatment by Mister Genius remain the property of the client.
The data contained in these materials and documents are strictly covered by professional secrecy.
Mister Geniusagrees to take appropriate precautions to preserve the security of information and in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or communicated to unauthorized persons.
Mister Geniusis committed to respect, absolutely, the following duties and to enforce them by its staff, that is to say in particular to:
- take no copy of the information entrusted documents and media, except for those necessary for the purposes of performing its benefit under this contract;
- not to use the documents and information processed for purposes other than those specified in this contract;
- not to disclose such documents or information to others, whether public or private, natural or legal persons;
- take all measures to avoid any misuse or fraudulent computer files running of the contract;
- take all measures, including physical security, to ensure the conservation of processed documents and information throughout the term of this contract;
and end of contract:
- proceed with the destruction of all manual or computerized files that store information entered;
- fully restore the information carriers as provided in this contract.